

Saturday 6:30PM, Sunday 9:15AM & 11:00AM in Worship Center. Wednesday - Community Groups and Teaching in the Worship Center @ 6:30 pm.

Welcome to Celebration Youth Ministry!

Our mission is to serve students and families by developing mature & resilient followers of Jesus!

Our vision is to see students worship Jesus in spirit and in truth, without fear, while also being a place to heal– emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. Col. 1:28

On Wednesdays, we meet in the GYM every week starting at 6:15 pm until 7:45 pm! Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am for our Bible study. We hope parents are able to get involved in a study group or serve with another Ministry!

3/7 - HS & 318 Worship Night

WHO - High School students and young adults 18-24!!

WHAT - Worship + Hangout night with CYM HS!!

WHEN - Friday, March 7th @ 7pm

WHERE - Summit Gym

WHY - to be together / worship together / have fun together !! :)

TO BRING - yourself + friends !!

3/ 12 - Student Conference

We are so excited to join other area youth groups for a Tri-Cities Student Conference! The speaker will be Nate Norwood. Nate works with Clayton King Ministries with Matthew Holloman and at Anderson University. We hope you plan to join us! We will be leaving from the gym promptly at 6pm to drive to Preaching Christ Church.


3/14-3/16 - HS Retreat

Join us for our High School Spring Retreat at Doe River Gorge! Our theme is “Devoted to Jesus: Living a Life of Commitment”. Throughout the weekend we will explore what it means to be truly devoted to Jesus, emphasizing both the inward transformation and the outward actions that characterize a life devoted to Him.


3/28-3/30 - MS Retreat

Join us for our Middle School Spring Retreat at Camp Hope! Our theme is “Lost & Found”! Students will see that we all experience brokenness because of our sins BUT the Father stands ready to extend forgiveness and welcome home the lost. Ultimately, we find a new identity in Him!


WED 6:15 PM - Prayer & Worship

Why do we pray? Our prayer lives aren’t just about asking God to change outcomes. They’re conversations God uses to draw us closer to him! We will explore how to deepen your relationship with our Creator and practice His presence through prayers of adoration, examen, and meditation. 


SUN 9:30 AM - The Thread

Your student has probably heard the story of Noah more than a few times. Yet, how often do we take the time to stop and dwell on how Noah’s life foreshadowed a new covenant? Through Noah’s line would eventually come the Messiah, Jesus. 

Long after Noah lived and died, we look at a rainbow and remember that God would never wipe out His people for their sins, but instead make a way to wipe out sin and restore our relationship with Him.