318 - Young Adult


Saturday 6:30PM, Sunday 9:15AM & 11:00AM in Worship Center. Wednesday - Community Groups and Teaching in the Worship Center @ 6:30 pm.

Yay! Welcome to 318 ministry !!

WHO — YOU and your friends around the age of 18-24 !!
WHAT — fellowship + community + growth
WHEN — most Friday nights + more !! Join us for the 318 Kickoff on Friday, August 5 at 6pm! More details below! 
WHERE — all around the Tri-Cities with Celebration Church in Blountville as our home base :)
WHY2 Peter 3:18 !! + to meet new friends + to hang out with current friends + to encourage one another + learn more about our incredible Jesus !!
HOW — a variety of events/places/spaces that help build a community of people to walk through life with !! things like worship nights, bowling, pickleball, game nights, theme nights, etc !!

Questions? Comments?

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  Contact 318

2 Peter 3:18

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.” 

318 Girls & Guys night - 2.21.25

WHO - YOU and your friends around the age of 18-24 !!

WHAT - two separate groups, one special evening. study, fellowship, food and fun !!

WHEN - Friday, February 21 @ 6pm

WHERE - email 318@cctri.org for specific address !!

WHY - to go deeper with one another in fellowship, community and study of God's Word !! We will continue our study on discipleship !!

TO BRING - yourself !! optional, but useful > Bible + notebook + pen! 

ALSO - bring friends !! :) + carpool if possible!

318 february calendar

⋀ February 7 / Neon Night / 6pm / @ CCTRI

⋀ February 21 / Girls & Guys Night / 6pm / @Homes :) 

⋀ February 28 / Rollerskating / 7pm / @ Johnson City Family Skate Center / $10 

318 monthly memz

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