Lasting Love retreat for engaged and married couples


Saturday 6:30PM, Sunday 9:15AM & 11:00AM in Worship Center. Wednesday - Community Groups and Teaching in the Worship Center @ 6:30 pm.

 September 20, 2024

 6:00 PM

 Elijah's Harbor Greeneville

Come and make a deep investment in your marriage while enjoying the breathtakingly beautiful Elijah's Harbor! This weekend is for both engaged and married couples!

You will receive a full program closer to the event. We do start with dinner on Friday the 20th at 6 pm and we end at 11 on Sunday. Elijah's Harbor is in Greeneville, TN  - one hour's drive from Celebration Church. Please plan your traveling to ensure you can attend the entire weekend.

  • Learn what builds a deeper friendship and connection.
  • Discover the little things that have a huge impact.
  • Expose the four dangers to your marriage and explore the antidotes to each.
  • Practice proven ways to have constructive conversations rather than destructive conflict, based on 40 years of research with thousands of couples by the world-renowned Gottman Institute. 
  • Have time together to focus on just the two of you.
  • Laugh and learn with others in the same boat as you!
  • Enjoy great food and fellowship.
  • PLAY fussball, carpet ball, pool, and ping pong or enjoy a sauna or hot tub.
  • Spend time in nature with the Lord

If the weekend cost is a barrier, please let us know. There are generous members in this church community who would be delighted to invest in you and pray for you during the weekend.

This year's marriage ministry team includes: Louis and Hettie Brittz (group leaders), Tom and Jennifer Mogan (Certified Prepare and Enrich and Gottman method marriage coaches) Robin Henson (Mental health coach and group leader),  and group leaders Stephen and Melanie Gooch, Dustin and Trace Odum, and David and Charla Tankersley.
