

Saturday 6:30PM, Sunday 9:15AM & 11:00AM in Worship Center. Wednesday - Community Groups and Teaching in the Worship Center @ 6:30 pm.

Celebration Church Tri-Cities Team

Celebration Church Tri-Cities is blessed to have a team of laborers who are truly dedicated to Christ and accomplishing His will. This is who they are and how to reach them.

Robert F. Russell, PhD

Lead Pastor

Robert Russell serves as the Lead Pastor of Celebration Church. He has been a part of Celebration for over 25 years. Robert previously served as a full-time professor at Emory & Henry College and adjunct professor at King College. Years ago Robert also worked in the Financial Division of Eastman Chemical Company in Kingsport.

Robert’s academic background includes earning a BA from Emory & Henry College, MBA from The Darden School at the University of Virginia, MA and MDiv from Luther Rice Seminary, and PhD from Regent University.

Robert is married to Michelle Anne Russell, who leads the Worship Arts Ministry at Celebration Church. They have three children: David who is married to Teresa Marie Russell (grandson Andrew), Jonathan who is married to Michelle Ruth Russell (grandson Foster), and Abbie.  He enjoys pickleball, running, snow skiing, and all types of fishing.

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Robert Russell serves as the Lead Pastor of Celebration Church. He has been a part of Celebration for over 25 years. Robert previously served as a full-time professor at Emory & Henry College and adjunct professor at King College. Years ago Robert also worked in the Financial Division of Eastman Chemical Company in Kingsport.

Robert’s academic background includes earning a BA from Emory & Henry College, MBA from The Darden School at the University of Virginia, MA and MDiv from Luther Rice Seminary, and PhD from Regent University.

Robert is married to Michelle Anne Russell, who leads the Worship Arts Ministry at Celebration Church. They have three children: David who is married to Teresa Marie Russell (grandson Andrew), Jonathan who is married to Michelle Ruth Russell (grandson Foster), and Abbie.  He enjoys pickleball, running, snow skiing, and all types of fishing.

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Della Walker

Ministries Minister

Della's hope is for all to have a relationship with Christ and to be continually growing in that relationship. Della serves as the Ministries Minister and as a member of the Leadership team. She is a graduate of ETSU, and Emmanuel Christian Seminary (M. Div and D. Min). Della, Ken and Brandon became a family in 1986 when she and Ken were married and are blessed with Kate who became a part of the family in 2019 when she and Brandon married. Della's past times are physical activity, things that are challenging, cooking, learning, reading, creating, and writing.

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Della's hope is for all to have a relationship with Christ and to be continually growing in that relationship. Della serves as the Ministries Minister and as a member of the Leadership team. She is a graduate of ETSU, and Emmanuel Christian Seminary (M. Div and D. Min). Della, Ken and Brandon became a family in 1986 when she and Ken were married and are blessed with Kate who became a part of the family in 2019 when she and Brandon married. Della's past times are physical activity, things that are challenging, cooking, learning, reading, creating, and writing.

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Bruce Rutledge

Administrative Pastor

Bruce and his wife, Lenora, have been married since 1988. They have two beautiful daughters, Morgan and Jamie. Bruce truly believes that God brought his family to Celebration Church and into this position of ministry. He received his bachelor's degree in Organizational Management from Tusculum College in 2001.

Bruce's prayer is that God will continue to lead and empower this body of Christ as we strive to utilize our time, talents, and financial resources in a way that honors God and enriches our walk with Jesus Christ. He enjoys bicycling, camping, and just generally playing with his family and friends

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Bruce and his wife, Lenora, have been married since 1988. They have two beautiful daughters, Morgan and Jamie. Bruce truly believes that God brought his family to Celebration Church and into this position of ministry. He received his bachelor's degree in Organizational Management from Tusculum College in 2001.

Bruce's prayer is that God will continue to lead and empower this body of Christ as we strive to utilize our time, talents, and financial resources in a way that honors God and enriches our walk with Jesus Christ. He enjoys bicycling, camping, and just generally playing with his family and friends

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Susan Owens

Administrative & Facility Scheduling Coordinator

Susan grew up in Henderson, NC and has been married to her husband, Brad, since 1984.  They moved to Kingsport over 20 years ago to work in ministry and she began working at Celebration Church in the main office in 2006.  Susan enjoys communicating and connecting people so that visions and plans can come together.  Her desire is to be used by God in ways that will show others the love He has for them. This will bring them into true worship with Him!

Susan loves spending time with her hubby, sunflowers and butterflies, and making people smile!! She believes God is who He says He is, Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and the Holy Spirit is the true Comforter!! What else can a girl ask for!!

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Susan grew up in Henderson, NC and has been married to her husband, Brad, since 1984.  They moved to Kingsport over 20 years ago to work in ministry and she began working at Celebration Church in the main office in 2006.  Susan enjoys communicating and connecting people so that visions and plans can come together.  Her desire is to be used by God in ways that will show others the love He has for them. This will bring them into true worship with Him!

Susan loves spending time with her hubby, sunflowers and butterflies, and making people smile!! She believes God is who He says He is, Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and the Holy Spirit is the true Comforter!! What else can a girl ask for!!

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Melinda Perry

Administrative Assistant

Melinda is a life-long resident of Kingsport, who has attended Celebration for more than 20 years. She has served for many years on the women's ministry team and on the Board of Delegates as the women's ministry team representative. Melinda recently retired from a forty-year career in the insurance industry, before beginning her second career as a part-time administrative assistant in the church office. Her "go-to" verse is Philippians 4:6-7, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hears and your minds in Christ Jesus." She feels this verse can speak to many situations in life, and never fails to provide the comfort it promises

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Melinda is a life-long resident of Kingsport, who has attended Celebration for more than 20 years. She has served for many years on the women's ministry team and on the Board of Delegates as the women's ministry team representative. Melinda recently retired from a forty-year career in the insurance industry, before beginning her second career as a part-time administrative assistant in the church office. Her "go-to" verse is Philippians 4:6-7, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hears and your minds in Christ Jesus." She feels this verse can speak to many situations in life, and never fails to provide the comfort it promises

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Sheila Sproles

Administrative Assistant

Sheila Sproles has spent most of her life in Christian ministry.  As a musician and speaker, she has been involved in women's ministry for many years, and has also led mission trips to Kenya and South Africa.  Sheila recently retired from a full-time corporate job and now has the opportunity to devote time to working in the office at Celebration.  Sheila is married to Steve, and they have three grown children, seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild.  Her life verse is James 1:25, "But whosoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it - not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it - they will be blessed in what they do."

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Sheila Sproles has spent most of her life in Christian ministry.  As a musician and speaker, she has been involved in women's ministry for many years, and has also led mission trips to Kenya and South Africa.  Sheila recently retired from a full-time corporate job and now has the opportunity to devote time to working in the office at Celebration.  Sheila is married to Steve, and they have three grown children, seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild.  Her life verse is James 1:25, "But whosoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it - not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it - they will be blessed in what they do."

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Leigh Sexton

Adult Ministries & Women's Minister

Leigh serves as Women's Minister to Celebration Church. Leigh has a passion for ministry and a gift for helping individuals find a place of belonging and service, both in the community and in the church. She loves to see people have fun and experience the true hope that only comes from Jesus Christ. God's Word is the authority and His Spirit is the teacher as Leigh leads women on a delightful journey of seeking, finding, and growing in Christ.

In her spare time, she enjoys a good ride on her Peloton Bike, spending quality time with her family & friends, traveling and seeing new sites. Leigh is married to Jamie and is the "Uber Driver" and mommy to two very active kids, Aubrey and Greyson.

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Leigh serves as Women's Minister to Celebration Church. Leigh has a passion for ministry and a gift for helping individuals find a place of belonging and service, both in the community and in the church. She loves to see people have fun and experience the true hope that only comes from Jesus Christ. God's Word is the authority and His Spirit is the teacher as Leigh leads women on a delightful journey of seeking, finding, and growing in Christ.

In her spare time, she enjoys a good ride on her Peloton Bike, spending quality time with her family & friends, traveling and seeing new sites. Leigh is married to Jamie and is the "Uber Driver" and mommy to two very active kids, Aubrey and Greyson.

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Sarah Haun

Adult Ministries Leader

Sarah and her husband, Alex have attended Celebration since their marriage in 2007, with some time away in Knoxville and Indianapolis. They have 3 children who can usually be found enjoying the worship arts ministry, children's programs, and the tech ministry while her husband enjoys playing bass with the worship band. The Haun family joyfully calls Celebration their home and true place of family and love.

Sarah's career has been largely in communications and marketing, but her passion lies in connecting people and building relationships and community. It is Sarah's belief that transformation and healing happens when we spend time with the Father and with each other. Sarah's personal experience with the transformative power of being in a community motivates her to seek having and sharing the love of Christ with others, and that this is where true discipleship happens.

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Sarah and her husband, Alex have attended Celebration since their marriage in 2007, with some time away in Knoxville and Indianapolis. They have 3 children who can usually be found enjoying the worship arts ministry, children's programs, and the tech ministry while her husband enjoys playing bass with the worship band. The Haun family joyfully calls Celebration their home and true place of family and love.

Sarah's career has been largely in communications and marketing, but her passion lies in connecting people and building relationships and community. It is Sarah's belief that transformation and healing happens when we spend time with the Father and with each other. Sarah's personal experience with the transformative power of being in a community motivates her to seek having and sharing the love of Christ with others, and that this is where true discipleship happens.

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Hannah Shank

Children's Ministry Director

Hannah is the Children’s Ministry Director at Celebration Church.  Hannah grew up attending Celebration Church with her family. Her heart for children began in third grade when she started volunteering in the children’s ministry. Hannah served as the children’s ministry intern for a couple of years in high school before going to Liberty University to earn her degree in Elementary Education. After graduation, Hannah and her husband James served as missionaries in Mexico. When she returned to East Tennessee, she taught for two years at Tri-Cities Christian Academy while earning her Masters Degree in Human Services Counseling: Family & Child Development. Hannah is passionate about making disciples and loving on kids through intentional relationship as they learn what it means to grow as men and women made in the image of God.

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Hannah is the Children’s Ministry Director at Celebration Church.  Hannah grew up attending Celebration Church with her family. Her heart for children began in third grade when she started volunteering in the children’s ministry. Hannah served as the children’s ministry intern for a couple of years in high school before going to Liberty University to earn her degree in Elementary Education. After graduation, Hannah and her husband James served as missionaries in Mexico. When she returned to East Tennessee, she taught for two years at Tri-Cities Christian Academy while earning her Masters Degree in Human Services Counseling: Family & Child Development. Hannah is passionate about making disciples and loving on kids through intentional relationship as they learn what it means to grow as men and women made in the image of God.

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Carter Henry

Children's Ministry Assistant

Carter began attending Celebration when she was in the 3rd grade.  She had the opportunity to serve as the Children's Ministry intern for four years while in high school.  She is a 2023 graduate of West Ridge High School and is currently pursuing a degree in Elementary Education at East Tennessee State University.  Carter loves developing relationships with each of the children, seeing their joy, and is grateful for each child she meets.  It is her desire and hope that we will be able to join together in one voice to glorify our Savior.

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Carter began attending Celebration when she was in the 3rd grade.  She had the opportunity to serve as the Children's Ministry intern for four years while in high school.  She is a 2023 graduate of West Ridge High School and is currently pursuing a degree in Elementary Education at East Tennessee State University.  Carter loves developing relationships with each of the children, seeing their joy, and is grateful for each child she meets.  It is her desire and hope that we will be able to join together in one voice to glorify our Savior.

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Maggie Smith

318 Ministry Director + Event Coordinator

Maggie has attended Celebration Church for almost twenty years. She graduated from Liberty University in 2018 with a degree in Adventure Leadership and Outdoor Ministry, as well as a minor in Photography. Camp ministry is one of her passions, as she feels that camps are a place where students can encounter Jesus in an impactful, life-changing way. Maggie enjoys hiking, exploring, adventuring and dancing. Ask her why Jesus is the BEST !! 

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Maggie has attended Celebration Church for almost twenty years. She graduated from Liberty University in 2018 with a degree in Adventure Leadership and Outdoor Ministry, as well as a minor in Photography. Camp ministry is one of her passions, as she feels that camps are a place where students can encounter Jesus in an impactful, life-changing way. Maggie enjoys hiking, exploring, adventuring and dancing. Ask her why Jesus is the BEST !! 

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Hannah Taylor

Digital Media Manager

Hannah has attended Celebration since she was 8 years old and started working on the Tech Team when she was 13 where she ran monitors, sound, lighting, video and media for 5 years. She became the Coordinator Assistant to the Nursery in 2016 and the Worship Arts Communications Coordinator in 2019 where she continues to serve in addition to her role as Digital Media Manger.

It is Hannah’s passion to see people walk into freedom and she has lived as a missionary in both Cambodia and the Middle East. It is her desire to use the digital media as a tool to lead people closer to Christ and to spread the gospel to not just those in the Tri-Cities, but around the world.

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Hannah has attended Celebration since she was 8 years old and started working on the Tech Team when she was 13 where she ran monitors, sound, lighting, video and media for 5 years. She became the Coordinator Assistant to the Nursery in 2016 and the Worship Arts Communications Coordinator in 2019 where she continues to serve in addition to her role as Digital Media Manger.

It is Hannah’s passion to see people walk into freedom and she has lived as a missionary in both Cambodia and the Middle East. It is her desire to use the digital media as a tool to lead people closer to Christ and to spread the gospel to not just those in the Tri-Cities, but around the world.

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Tim Smith

Facilities Director

Providing and maintaining user friendly facilities to enhance the purposes of Celebration ministry, Tim and his gang keep everything around Celebration clean and working smoothly.

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Providing and maintaining user friendly facilities to enhance the purposes of Celebration ministry, Tim and his gang keep everything around Celebration clean and working smoothly.

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Hettie Brittz

Family Ministry Consultant

Hettie is married to Celebration's Worship Pastor, Louis Brittz. They have three children: a teen, a college student, and a newlywed. Hettie is a contracted Family Ministry Consultant. She presents parenting and marriage counseling workshops and training, and believes all relationships can become life-giving!

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Hettie is married to Celebration's Worship Pastor, Louis Brittz. They have three children: a teen, a college student, and a newlywed. Hettie is a contracted Family Ministry Consultant. She presents parenting and marriage counseling workshops and training, and believes all relationships can become life-giving!

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Phyllis Runyon

Hospitality and Event Coordinator

Phyllis is the coordinator for large events at Celebration Church. She has a heart for service and strives to do her utmost to bring the finest events that are exceptionally fun but also inspirational for those who attend.
Phyllis felt spiritually drawn to Celebration one day while she was driving by the church. She began attending Celebration and then Divorce Recovery in 2004. Phyllis met her husband while serving, side by side, as part of the Singles Leadership team. They married in November 2007 and she continues to co-lead the Celebration Singles group along with her husband, Gary. They also co-facilitate the Divorce Recovery Group. Phyllis is a vital part of Celebration and has a heart of love and empathy for Single Adults of all ages. Phyllis has two sons, two beautiful daughter-in-laws and four adorable grandchildren.

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Phyllis is the coordinator for large events at Celebration Church. She has a heart for service and strives to do her utmost to bring the finest events that are exceptionally fun but also inspirational for those who attend.
Phyllis felt spiritually drawn to Celebration one day while she was driving by the church. She began attending Celebration and then Divorce Recovery in 2004. Phyllis met her husband while serving, side by side, as part of the Singles Leadership team. They married in November 2007 and she continues to co-lead the Celebration Singles group along with her husband, Gary. They also co-facilitate the Divorce Recovery Group. Phyllis is a vital part of Celebration and has a heart of love and empathy for Single Adults of all ages. Phyllis has two sons, two beautiful daughter-in-laws and four adorable grandchildren.

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Ken Walker

Men's Ministry Coordinator

Ken Walker serves as our Men's Ministry Coordinator.  Ken was raised in Gray, TN and is a graduate of Daniel Boone High School.  He graduated from ETSU in 1991 with a degree in management.  He worked at Eastman for 42 years before retiring in 2019.  He also worked several years at Bristol Motor Speedway as an events only employee.  He has one son and daughter-in-law, Brandon and Kate, and one grandson, Gaines.  Ken is married to Della Walker, who serves as our Ministries Minister.  Ken enjoys spending time with his family, working on cars, and doing work around his house and yard.  He wants to see men strengthen and grow in their relationship with the Lord, with each other, and with their families.

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Ken Walker serves as our Men's Ministry Coordinator.  Ken was raised in Gray, TN and is a graduate of Daniel Boone High School.  He graduated from ETSU in 1991 with a degree in management.  He worked at Eastman for 42 years before retiring in 2019.  He also worked several years at Bristol Motor Speedway as an events only employee.  He has one son and daughter-in-law, Brandon and Kate, and one grandson, Gaines.  Ken is married to Della Walker, who serves as our Ministries Minister.  Ken enjoys spending time with his family, working on cars, and doing work around his house and yard.  He wants to see men strengthen and grow in their relationship with the Lord, with each other, and with their families.

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James Shank

Youth Pastor

James and his wife, Hannah, have made Celebration Church their home since returning from serving as missionaries in Puerto Escondido, Mexico. Over the last 10 years, James has had the opportunity to serve at various camps, churches, and overseas in Mexico. James graduated from Liberty University in 2017 with a degree in Youth Ministry and a minor in Adventure Leadership and Outdoor Ministry. He is currently pursuing his Master of Divinity in Leadership. James has the desire to see students grow in spiritual maturity and to equip parents with tools to disciple their students. In his free time, he enjoys being outside, pretending to be a fly fisherman, and cheering on the Vols!

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James and his wife, Hannah, have made Celebration Church their home since returning from serving as missionaries in Puerto Escondido, Mexico. Over the last 10 years, James has had the opportunity to serve at various camps, churches, and overseas in Mexico. James graduated from Liberty University in 2017 with a degree in Youth Ministry and a minor in Adventure Leadership and Outdoor Ministry. He is currently pursuing his Master of Divinity in Leadership. James has the desire to see students grow in spiritual maturity and to equip parents with tools to disciple their students. In his free time, he enjoys being outside, pretending to be a fly fisherman, and cheering on the Vols!

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Ken Thompson

Middle School Minister

Ken and his wife, Sarah, moved from the state of the mighty Florida Gators (chomp, chomp) five years ago with their seven children. He has a passion to show his family and the students of Celebration how Great God’s love is for them and how His GRACE is overflowing. Ken loves spending time with his family and when he is not serving at the church, you can usually find him coaching one or more of his children on the sports field or court.

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Ken and his wife, Sarah, moved from the state of the mighty Florida Gators (chomp, chomp) five years ago with their seven children. He has a passion to show his family and the students of Celebration how Great God’s love is for them and how His GRACE is overflowing. Ken loves spending time with his family and when he is not serving at the church, you can usually find him coaching one or more of his children on the sports field or court.

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Tammy McFaddin

Nursery Coordinator

Tammy loves serving as the Nursery Coordinator for Celebration Church! She couldn't do it without her personable hubby, Tony, and the three fantastic day coordinators: Hannah Voudrie on Wednesdays, Stacia Moody on Saturdays, and Helen Sharp on Sundays!
Besides being married to Tony since 1985, Tammy is the blessed mom of their four sons: Micah, Zachary, Seth, and Noah. The most precious relationship in her life, however, is the one she has had with Jesus Christ since 1970.
Tammy has been a home educator since 1993, which includes teaching writing classes to many homeschooled students over the years. While a former student of ETSU and Appalachian Bible College, Tammy's greatest education has been being a mom and life itself. She also enjoys: moderating several communication networks, writing a future novel and occasional articles, gardening, canning and freezing food for her family, cooking/baking, reading, working out at the YMCA, walking, hiking, and snow skiing. Her greatest desire is to obey God and to "love the Lord with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength . . . and her neighbor as herself."

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Tammy loves serving as the Nursery Coordinator for Celebration Church! She couldn't do it without her personable hubby, Tony, and the three fantastic day coordinators: Hannah Voudrie on Wednesdays, Stacia Moody on Saturdays, and Helen Sharp on Sundays!
Besides being married to Tony since 1985, Tammy is the blessed mom of their four sons: Micah, Zachary, Seth, and Noah. The most precious relationship in her life, however, is the one she has had with Jesus Christ since 1970.
Tammy has been a home educator since 1993, which includes teaching writing classes to many homeschooled students over the years. While a former student of ETSU and Appalachian Bible College, Tammy's greatest education has been being a mom and life itself. She also enjoys: moderating several communication networks, writing a future novel and occasional articles, gardening, canning and freezing food for her family, cooking/baking, reading, working out at the YMCA, walking, hiking, and snow skiing. Her greatest desire is to obey God and to "love the Lord with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength . . . and her neighbor as herself."

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Ginger Story

Real Life Minister

Ginger serves as the Real Life Minister. She is the staff connection for leaders within Real Life and the leader of Celebration Friends and Whole Life Healing. She has served in ministry since 2006 when she began teaching in Worship Arts. She retired her dance shoes in 2012 and began working in Celebrating Freedom which was the recovery ministry at Celebration. She transitioned into Real Life in the 2017 and feels blessed to be part of a growing ministry. She loves watching God work and reveal himself in His wondrous ways.

Ginger is a licensed behavior therapist and has spent many years working with families and children in the Tri-Cities. She stays very busy raising her 2 daughters, Ruby and Olive. She loves to exercise, spent time outdoors, read (when she can stay awake), and just enjoy the presence of family and friends.

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Ginger serves as the Real Life Minister. She is the staff connection for leaders within Real Life and the leader of Celebration Friends and Whole Life Healing. She has served in ministry since 2006 when she began teaching in Worship Arts. She retired her dance shoes in 2012 and began working in Celebrating Freedom which was the recovery ministry at Celebration. She transitioned into Real Life in the 2017 and feels blessed to be part of a growing ministry. She loves watching God work and reveal himself in His wondrous ways.

Ginger is a licensed behavior therapist and has spent many years working with families and children in the Tri-Cities. She stays very busy raising her 2 daughters, Ruby and Olive. She loves to exercise, spent time outdoors, read (when she can stay awake), and just enjoy the presence of family and friends.

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Tammy Fredrickson

Real Life Assistant

Tammy serves as the Real Life Assistant. She has been serving at Celebration as the Founder and Ministry Coordinator for Operation Soldier's Heart since 2018 and began serving in Real Life in 2023. She also launched a new ministry, called Thrive, that encompasses all aspects of mental health, grief, trauma, and addiction. Tammy's heart is for those who may feel forgotten, lost, broken, and forsaken. Her passion is to meet others where they are, share the hope she has, and walk with each one in their healing journey, while re-presenting the heart of God, speaking in Truth and Love. 

Tammy is married to Jeff, and they have 2 beautiful children. They homeschool and enjoy traveling. She is an Ordained Chaplain and will graduate with her Masters of Divinity in 2024. She is certified in Combat Trauma, Trauma Informed Care and Training, Suicide Intervention, and as a Mental Health Coach. She teaches trauma recovery courses and leads in small groups at the church. Her life verse is Gen 50:20, "What the enemy meant for evil, God will use for good, and the saving of many lives." FREEDOM is a key word in the Fredrickson family. It is for the freedom her husband fought for in the military and the freedom they walk in through Christ. 

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Tammy serves as the Real Life Assistant. She has been serving at Celebration as the Founder and Ministry Coordinator for Operation Soldier's Heart since 2018 and began serving in Real Life in 2023. She also launched a new ministry, called Thrive, that encompasses all aspects of mental health, grief, trauma, and addiction. Tammy's heart is for those who may feel forgotten, lost, broken, and forsaken. Her passion is to meet others where they are, share the hope she has, and walk with each one in their healing journey, while re-presenting the heart of God, speaking in Truth and Love. 

Tammy is married to Jeff, and they have 2 beautiful children. They homeschool and enjoy traveling. She is an Ordained Chaplain and will graduate with her Masters of Divinity in 2024. She is certified in Combat Trauma, Trauma Informed Care and Training, Suicide Intervention, and as a Mental Health Coach. She teaches trauma recovery courses and leads in small groups at the church. Her life verse is Gen 50:20, "What the enemy meant for evil, God will use for good, and the saving of many lives." FREEDOM is a key word in the Fredrickson family. It is for the freedom her husband fought for in the military and the freedom they walk in through Christ. 

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Louis Brittz

Worship Pastor

Louis hails from Pretoria, South Africa and has been a happy Tennessean since December, 2017. He left a career in the law to pursue God's calling to music ministry in 1994, when he started writing, recording, producing, and performing worship music full-time. On a ministry tour to the USA in 2004, he discovered the Celebration Church community and felt right at home. Many years and several visits later, he joined the CCTRI team of musicians full time as our worship pastor. He is married to Hettie and is father to Idalise, Pero, and Simone'. They love exploring God's purposes for the Tri-Cities.

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Louis hails from Pretoria, South Africa and has been a happy Tennessean since December, 2017. He left a career in the law to pursue God's calling to music ministry in 1994, when he started writing, recording, producing, and performing worship music full-time. On a ministry tour to the USA in 2004, he discovered the Celebration Church community and felt right at home. Many years and several visits later, he joined the CCTRI team of musicians full time as our worship pastor. He is married to Hettie and is father to Idalise, Pero, and Simone'. They love exploring God's purposes for the Tri-Cities.

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Michelle Russell

Worship Arts Minister

Michelle is our Worship Arts Minister, married to Celebration's Lead Pastor, Robert Russell, and they have 3 children. When the Dance/Worship Arts Ministry began in 2003, Michelle was excited to get her feet tapping again for Jesus. She has taught dance for over 20 years and continues to learn joyful ways to express her gratitude to the Lord for all that He has done for her.

Worship Arts provides her with constant joy and challenges as she serves in this incredible ministry and witnesses the Holy Spirit transform our staff, students and their families.

Michelle says most important thing about her is that Jesus is the love of her life. She feels close to Him when she plays her flute in worship and when she dances. She has a longing to teach others the joy of worshiping Him in Spirit and in truth. Music, dance, art and drama are very important in her life for communicating with God, displaying His creativity, sharing Jesus with others, expressing joy & pain, fighting spiritual battles, serving others, connecting with other believers and staying physically strong. Michelle also works as a Music Therapist, working with Alzheimer’s patients in an assisted living center. She loves being able to share her love of music, dance, and Jesus with people of all ages and watching as God transforms people.

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Michelle is our Worship Arts Minister, married to Celebration's Lead Pastor, Robert Russell, and they have 3 children. When the Dance/Worship Arts Ministry began in 2003, Michelle was excited to get her feet tapping again for Jesus. She has taught dance for over 20 years and continues to learn joyful ways to express her gratitude to the Lord for all that He has done for her.

Worship Arts provides her with constant joy and challenges as she serves in this incredible ministry and witnesses the Holy Spirit transform our staff, students and their families.

Michelle says most important thing about her is that Jesus is the love of her life. She feels close to Him when she plays her flute in worship and when she dances. She has a longing to teach others the joy of worshiping Him in Spirit and in truth. Music, dance, art and drama are very important in her life for communicating with God, displaying His creativity, sharing Jesus with others, expressing joy & pain, fighting spiritual battles, serving others, connecting with other believers and staying physically strong. Michelle also works as a Music Therapist, working with Alzheimer’s patients in an assisted living center. She loves being able to share her love of music, dance, and Jesus with people of all ages and watching as God transforms people.

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Alicia Davis

Tech Manager

Alicia was born and raised in Kingsport, TN.  She attended Northeast State Community College before transferring to Middle Tennessee State University.  She graduated in 2012 with a Bachelor’s Degree and license to teach Kindergarten - 6th grade. She happily taught fourth & fifth grade Math and Science for 10 years.  Alicia joined the Tech Team in 2018 and has enjoyed running media and scheduling volunteers during that time.

 Alicia has followed God’s direction for a new life plan. She is now using her classroom skills in leading the Tech Ministry.  Alicia is also serving in Celebration’s after school program, Celebration Station. Her favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11, because God has never failed to show His plans for the future; most of which, have been much better than Alicia ever imagined.

Contact Alicia

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Alicia was born and raised in Kingsport, TN.  She attended Northeast State Community College before transferring to Middle Tennessee State University.  She graduated in 2012 with a Bachelor’s Degree and license to teach Kindergarten - 6th grade. She happily taught fourth & fifth grade Math and Science for 10 years.  Alicia joined the Tech Team in 2018 and has enjoyed running media and scheduling volunteers during that time.

 Alicia has followed God’s direction for a new life plan. She is now using her classroom skills in leading the Tech Ministry.  Alicia is also serving in Celebration’s after school program, Celebration Station. Her favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11, because God has never failed to show His plans for the future; most of which, have been much better than Alicia ever imagined.

Contact Alicia

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