Celebration Church Tri-Cities Leadership
Celebration Church Tri-Cities is blessed to have a leadership team who are truly dedicated to Christ and accomplishing His will. Following are brief bio's of our leadership team and their qualifications for ministry.
Robert Russell
Lead Pastor, Elder & Leadership Team
Robert Russell serves as the Lead Pastor of Celebration Church. He has been a part of Celebration for over 25 years. Robert previously served as a full-time professor at Emory & Henry College and adjunct professor at King College. Years ago Robert also worked in the Financial Division of Eastman Chemical Company in Kingsport.
Robert’s academic background includes earning a BA from Emory & Henry College, MBA from The Darden School at the University of Virginia, MA and MDiv from Luther Rice Seminary, and PhD from Regent University.
Robert is married to Michelle Anne Russell, who leads the Worship Arts Ministry at Celebration Church. They have three children: David who is married to Teresa Marie Russell (grandson Andrew), Jonathan who is married to Michelle Ruth Russell (grandson Foster), and Abbie. He enjoys pickleball, running, snow skiing, and all types of fishing.
Della Walker
Ministries Minister & Leadership Team
Della's hope is for all to have a relationship with Christ and to be continually growing in that relationship. Della serves as the Ministries Minister and as a member of the Leadership team. She is a graduate of ETSU, and Emmanuel Christian Seminary (M. Div and D. Min). Della, Ken and Brandon became a family in 1986 when she and Ken were married and are blessed with Kate who became a part of the family in 2019 when she and Brandon married. Della's past times are physical activity, things that are challenging, cooking, learning, reading, creating, and writing.