Rod Healy
Rod and his wife Terry met in college and have been married for nearly 50 years. They have one son, David, who is married and lives in Knoxville. Rod and Terry have one grandson. Rod’s passion is to help Christians understand how great a salvation we have been given through Jesus Christ. And through our fellowship with Jesus and the Father, to confidently step out in grace and the power of the Spirit to apprehend God’s great calling and amazing plans for our lives. Rod enjoys studying God’s word and sharing His word with others. Rod is retired from Eastman after 28 years of service. His educational background is in mathematics and computer science. Rod’s hobbies include fitness, fly-fishing, and snow skiing.
Saul Hernandez
Saul was born in Venezuela and grew up in NYC & South Florida. As a child Saul had two loves which were sports and the outdoors. As a youth, when he was not playing on a sports team (football, baseball, basketball, etc.) it was not unusual to find him on camping trips with the boy scouts among the alligators in the Everglades National Park. After High School he left Florida to attend Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia and received a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. While at Liberty he met Johnna Leonard and they married soon after graduation in 1988. Johnna is a native of Washington County, Virginia. Saul and Johnna have 3 children John, Jesse & Julie. Saul works at KVAT Food Stores on the IT team and along with his family run Mi Tierra farm in Washington County VA.
Jim Moore
Jim and his wife, Brenda, met in high school in Newport News, VA and have been married since 1970 (51 years and counting)! They have lived in the Tri-Cities since 1976 and have two grown sons and 7 grandchildren.
In addition to a rewarding 38 year career with Wellmont Health System, Jim served four years in the U.S. Air Force. He is finding retirement very enjoyable, but not to be confused with slowing down.
Jim is passionate about seeing people grow in their relationship with Christ and is actively serving as an elder at Celebration Church. He enjoys any opportunity to teach, to share his testimony and the Good News of Jesus Christ. He holds a Bachelor of Theology degree from Beacon College.
Bob Rogers
Bob is a lifelong Kingsporter. He and Lisa have been married for 24 years and have 3 daughters. Josie is at the Naval Academy, Ruthie is at Liberty University and Willa is in high school at Dobyns Bennett. Both Bob and Lisa graduated from Dobyns Bennett and The University of Tennessee. He retired recently and enjoys biking, tennis, carpentry, reading and travel. As a follower of Christ, Bob has grown through small group bible study and several wise mentors since joining Celebration in 2000.
Robert Russell
Robert Russell serves as the Lead Pastor of Celebration Church. He has been a part of Celebration for over 25 years. Robert previously served as a full-time professor at Emory & Henry College and adjunct professor at King College. Years ago Robert also worked in the Financial Division of Eastman Chemical Company in Kingsport.
Robert’s academic background includes earning a BA from Emory & Henry College, MBA from The Darden School at the University of Virginia, MA and MDiv from Luther Rice Seminary, and PhD from Regent University.
Robert is married to Michelle Anne Russell, who leads the Worship Arts Ministry at Celebration Church. They have three children: David who is married to Teresa Marie Russell (grandson Andrew), Jonathan who is married to Michelle Ruth Russell (grandson Foster), and Abbie. He enjoys pickleball, running, snow skiing, and all types of fishing.
Contact Robert
Steve Smith
Steve was born, raised, and resides in Bristol, VA. He married his high school sweetheart, Kris, and they have two grown children - Maggie and Levi. Steve is an electrical engineer and is employed by Eastman Chemical Company. He shares his faith through small groups both at work and church and as a volunteer for various ministries within the community and at Celebration. Steve enjoys spending time outdoors backpacking, hiking and playing tennis.
Bert Tagert
Bert was born in Arizona and grew up in St. Augustine, Florida. While attending Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi, he had two encounters that changed the course of his life. First, during his second week of college, God called Bert out of sin and brought him to Christ. Secondly, he met Linda, his future wife and lifelong companion. They were married in 1984 - one year before Bert's graduation from the University of Florida College of Medicine. They have four children: Marilyn (a teacher), Stephen (an attorney), and Joshua and Hugh (both college students).
God directed the family to move to Bristol in 1992, where they still make their home. Bert has practiced orthopaedic surgery in the Tri-Cities for twenty-three years at Appalachian Orthopaedics in Bristol, and more recently continuing with the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System.
Bert and his family have been at Celebration Church since 2006. His passion in ministry is to see families grow and serve the Lord together. Because of his own experiences, it is his desire to see young people strengthened in their faith as they launch their lives. His philosophy for both vocation and ministry can be summarized in Hebrews 12:12-13: "Therefore, strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble, and make straight paths for our feet, so that the limb which is lame may not be put out of joint, but rather be healed."
Gert Van Der Westhuizen
Gert hails from Pretoria, South Africa, where he met Marie while in college. They were married in 1985 and have three girls, Tania, Michelle and Amy (and a son, Christiaan, who is with the Lord). They moved to Kingsport in 2002 and have attended Celebration Church since that time. Gert is a radiologist at Holston Valley Medical Center. He grew up in a Christian household. For many years, he thought of himself as a "mediocre believer" but through various trials, especially the death of his infant son, the Lord wooed him into a deeper relationship. Gert's heart's desire is to keep growing in faith with fellow believers and to encourage others to have a deeper walk with Christ.
Michael West
Michael was born, raised, and now resides in Kingsport, TN. He married his high school sweetheart, Ellen, and they currently homeschool their children, Victoria and Mackinley. Their oldest child, Will, was also homeschooled and is in his final semester at ETSU. Michael graduated from East Tennessee State University with a BS in Chemistry and subsequently earned his doctorate in Biochemistry from Princeton University. Michael works in the pharmaceutical industry. He is active in the children's and youth ministries at Celebration and is passionate about helping young people discover and leverage their strengths to further God's kingdom. Michael enjoys gardening, DIYing, traveling, and teaching.